Transmission facilities
Construction of new distribution transformer substation in Cirkovce

Scope of work:
- Primary and secondary equipment supply and installation
- Electrical installation works
- Control and protection system supply
After we successfully applied for the public tender, we began with the implementation of the project in Cirkovce in June 2019. The existing distribution transformer substation consists of 220 and 110 kV switchyrads. With a 400 and 110 kV switchyards the distribution transformer substation Cirkovce will be included in the Slovenian electricity network 400 and 110 kV voltage level.
Four 400 kV transmission lines, two 400/110 kV transformer units (300 MVA) and one 400 kV coil will be connected to the new 400 kV switchyard.
The new 110 kV GIS switchgear will include 5 single-system and 2 dual-system transmission lines and 3 transformer units (2 units of 400/110 kV and 1 unit of 110/2 kV transformer). The 110 kV GIS connects hydropowerplants on the lower Drava river, the largest Slovenian electricity consumer in industry – Talum and the distribution transformer station in Maribor.
The new distribution transformer susbtation will enable 400 kV connection with Hungary and Croatia.
Implementation year: 2022
ELES, d.o.o.; Hajdrihova 2, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia