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Have you already implemented REWO?

28. 02. 2019 Digitalizacija

“REWO is invaluable in all procedures requiring multiple explanations when training a new worker/employee so that the tasks are carried out as under the regulated procedure. It is further invaluable for the tasks which you are prone to forget about. “No one knows everything and remembers everything! “ This is the slogan of the device, a platform for capturing, visualization and transfer of knowledge on the level of the entire company.

The REWO application developed by the portfolio undertaking of the capital fund Kolektor Ventures VIAR, is already being used or in the process of being implemented in nine companies of Kolektor.

Efficient training and education of new employees

If your company is not yet using the REWO, please not that the users state numerous advantages of this application operating as a continuously available virtual mentor, such as:

  • easy virtual simulations of work operations - time-and cost-efficient training and education for the newly employed;
  • efficient documenting due to fast and simple elaboration of complex instructions with constant access via phone, pad or smart goggles;
  • standardization of work on part of your suppliers, etc. operations are carried out without deviation from the regulated procedures;
  • easy usage and flexible cloud setting, local or hybrid, under consideration of the data safety protocols;
  • numerous possibilities of application as support for the employees - also remote acquisition.

Substantial progress of implementation in Kolektor

On the February meeting of the Kolektor development team, Matej Jurman, engaged on optical and digital projects in the company KFH, said that implementation of the REWO application in Kolektor companies has marked substantial progress on several levels. The applicative as well as the server part of the REWO platform have been put into operation. Moreover, the first content projects have been started and the quantity of feedback from users regarding modifications and introducing of new functionalities to expand the field of usage has expanded.

Even easier access to instructions

Integration of the REWO application into the GUID platform for generating of unique code within a unified designation system has started. This is to enable even easier access to the appropriate virtual instructions or guides for certain product code.

Existing and new users

Integration of the REWO at the level of Kolektor is continued at a fast pace. Beside the existing nine users - Kolektor Group, Kolektor Sikom, Kolektor Automotive Nanjing, Kolektor KFH, Kolektor CCL, Kolektor ATP, Kolektor GTO, Kolektor Ascom in Kolektor Missel Insulations, integrations and activities are due in other Kolektor companies aware of the importance of fast and easy generation of video instructions in the industrial environment.

If REWO is a concept new to you, please visit rewo.io/sl/ and learn more.

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